We are set to add to our line up of ESE lightning protection systems with a new Early Streamer Emission device which will provide a different Rp (Radius of Protection). Currently we provide an ESE lightning protection system with a ∆T (triggering advance) of 35.5 µs, while our second variation of the product will have a ∆T (advanced triggering time) of 60 µs. This lightning protection device will be the largest in our line-up, as stated in NFC 17-102: 2011 "The maximum value for ΔT, whatever are the test results, is 60 μs."
What does it mean?
Essentially this means our new ESE lightning system will provide a greater Rp (radius of protection) for areas that would require it. The radius of protection is calculated from the formula provided in NFC 17-102: 2011 shown below.

In the formula a value for 'Δ' is required, this is gained from testing in a high voltage lab on the ESE device. The test performed is from NFC 17-102: 2011 annexe C.3.5. For our new ESE lightning device the Rp (radius of protection) will be as follows.
*This is the largest Rp possible to relevant ESE standards*

Currently our new ESE lightning protection device is undergoing testing to all relevant standards. Keep updated by following us on our social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn